Thursday 14 July 2011

Getting ready to go!!

Well the excitement is building up now.  Less than 3 weeks until I fly out to Kathmandu, and still lots to do and friends to see.  My flight is booked for the evening of August 2nd and then I hope to get an internal flight to Pokhara, monsoon weather permitting.  I so look forward to seeing all the friends I made in Nepal and to get down to some more teaching.

I am trying to learn some more language, but its not easy with no one to practise on.  Meg, my dog, just doesn't seem to understand, and the voices on the net who are giving lessons don't answer me!! Ruth Rai lives over an hour away so can't go there often for a chat. Still Sue is coming next week, so perhaps she will help.

There are mixed feelings about leaving my home and garden, my dog, and of course all my family and many friends, but I remember that the weeks sped by so quickly last time and I didn't want to leave Nepal. God is good to give me the desire of my heart which was is to go back.

I am trying to think of nice things to take, like decent chocolate and marmite etc.(some good cheddar would be  welcomed, but it might not travel well!!  I am making list after list and lists of lists!! but then I forget where I put the list.

The next few days will speed by and then I will be off off and away.

It will be a different adventure this time.  One month in Pokhara and then off to Surkhet.  Looking forward to meeting up with the team over there and renewing friendships, but not looking forward to the travelling so much.

More later if I have time!!  but it may be when I reach Nepal!

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Going Back!

Well there are plans going ahead for my return.  It is my greatest desire to return to lovely Nepal and it seems that DV it may happen.

Now all I have to do is save the fare, which I will have to start doing quite soon.  Waiting for acceptance by the BMS world mission to do another two terms.  August to December and Feb to May.  Its all very exciting.  I will keep this blogspot going and who knows there may be good news soon.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

This is me in the classroom trying to look as if I am working! We were making shapes out of clay
Tug of war in the playfield was great fun.
Lakeside was beautiful (half of Sue in a sari!!)
The balloon seller at the end of our road, Ram Bazaar
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Monday 8 November 2010

This is the view from school!!!

Chrissie, Chris, Sue and I having a meal out at Lakeside.

Look no hands On the cable bridge over the gorge to Bhalam village. very deep gorge, very moveable bridge!!!

Nepali way of making a stack of straw!!!
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Tuesday 2 November 2010

Some of the beautiful costumes which we saw at the Christian festival at Nepalgunj. Each village/ethnis group has it's own style, but all are really colourful

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Friday 29 October 2010

Nepali wedding

I went to a lovely Nepali wedding. For this I had to be dressed up in this gorgeous sari. It is all rangichangi(coloured) and gillymilly(glittery) The ceremony was very moving as the girl is somewhat subdued. This is the day she has to say goodbye to her parents and church and move into the bridegroom's parents' house. We had a wonderful feast of daal rice, various curries and generally had our fill. Then we went by bus, following the happy couple, to the grooms home which he shared with his parents. There was another ceremony there when the bride was welcomed to the home and to the church. The grooms father is an elder at our church here in Nepal. More food followed and then dancing and singing. I feel very privileged to have been part of this. Actually I was the only bideshi (foreigner) left standing at the end of the day and was escorted home by my women friends from the church!! (No nothing alcoholic passed my lips!) What fun it all was and I felt so welcomed there. No sure about wearing this lovely sari all day though. I managed to keep it all in one place, but there is a special way of having the folds fall and it took 3 people to put it on me, with much laughter. At any point a nepali lady will come up and adjust ones folds as it always has to be just so. In this picture you can see the big tureens of rice, curry etc. Delicious!!
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Wednesday 27 October 2010

Rickshaw ride in Nepalgunj
This is Sue on the verandah of the house where the Chhahari schools vision began

Lovely little Obidan with his mother Camila in the porch of the house in Nepalgunj
The music group at Surkhet church which I visited for an early morning prayer meeting. They sat and sang and played drums for me. Here I am trying to play the portable Harmonium!
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